Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well most of you know that I finally got a job! But just in case; I GOT A JOB!!!!! The stress levels have come down considerably, but I still have my moments. But just goes to show, a little faith a lot of prayers, and weekly visits to my bishops office (he sent me the email that got me to the job) and the end result is success! So I still have my weekly visits to the bishops office, and I also go to a counselor regularly, but hey I am a work in progress! So now if my husband would come back in town for work my life would be heavenly.

So because I go to visit with my bishop weekly, he decided that I need to be a scout leader! So I am now the new wolves leader.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Deer Hunt 2010

Well I got 'er done this weekend! I shot my buck with our good friends Bodie and Jaida! Thanks Guys your the best!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The First Week of School!!!!

Oh I am soo hot!
I had to be sneaky to get his photo! Punk!

Caleb started school the day before his brothers then did not have to go the next day!

Oh my handsome boy!!

Well we made it! The First week down moving onto the 2nd! Time is flying where is it going? I am enjoying the peace and quiet though, Daygun goes to meet his pre-school teacher in the morning, OOH that makes me so sad! Coltin survived the "BIG SCHOOL" he was a little nervous at first for how big it is! But the girl pool made up for it! He has way to much to deal with!
Caleb likes his new school too, he is really digging that he has only 4 classes a day, then a day in between. His favorite class so far is his technology class, right up his ally!

Braxton well he is in the heighth of his glory with his new school, he can wear regular clothes, play with his friends from home everyday, and ride the bus.

Me I am loving the fact that I don't have to drive them to and from every day!!! WOO HOO!!! As long as the grades keep, so will the schools! Hahaha

Monday, August 16, 2010


Fish Hatchery

Bonneville Dam

grandma sittin backseat!!

the hotel to go swimming!

the zoo

the baseball game Mariners vs. Yankees!!

the Beach

Aunt Dees house

Pikes Place

Boeing Museum

Well its been a while again! I am not very good with the whole blogging scene lately! So update, I have been job hunting for the past 3-4 months with no luck so far. I thought that I had one in the bag, my bad! So I keep on trucking! I drew a premium deer tag this year. Corb and I will be going with our good friends this weekend. I am hoping to kill mine opening weekend, but I probably just jinxed that and I will come home totally disappointed!

The Boys start school next week! Coltin starts high school, Caleb will be in middle school, Brax is going to 4Th grade, and baby will try preschool! AHHH! Where does the time go??? Before we know it, it will be Christmas time! Don't say those nasty words! ha ha

I took the boys with my mom to go visit Aunt Dee in Tacoma, it was the most wonderful trip! We really had such a great time. I cant wait to go back! It is gorgeous up there, we visited family, took in a baseball game, the whole thing was just surreal! I loved every minute of it!! Well until the next time, hopefully not that long, Bye.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holy sh molly!! It's been a crazy few months I haven't even had the time to update!! Christmas was wonderful! The kids were very happy, Corb and I were just glad to get it over and done with!!

I have gone back to school!!! I am taking a 10 week course for Dental Assisting I now just have 4 weeks left! WOOT WOOT!!

I also have been coaching Braxtons Jr. Jazz Basketball team, talk about busy here in the Mitchell household!!

And then of course I am still subbing at the boys' school when I am called, so needless to say I haven't had time to talk to any one lately. That has been a little lonely though cause you all know how much I love to talk! So until the next time!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

so we've been back to school a couple months now! I have been busy subbing at the kids' school! Day is getting bigger and bigger and Christmas is only a month and a half away! I have already started, otherwise I would be in trouble!!! Corb has been working out of town ever since school started but I think the end is near!! Col shot a deer and an elk this season, the freezer is full.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Holy Moley

our camp party
he should wear this all day every day he falls and hits his head alot

this is my buck that I killed opening weekend of the bow hunt!

see how excited I am?

see how excited they are for mommy!!

So it's been awhile, life at the Mitchell household never dull!! I am back to substituting at the boys' school,and then Tuesday night I am back to Maverik, now I just told them that I would work Friday afternoon. What is wrong with me?! Oh I know it's called Christmas is only weeks away Ahhhh. So in order to buy the children their presents, I will work to my little hearts content!!